brand belonging: how a universal human need can increase consumer engagement
“do I belong?” — said everyone ever
It’s a question we all ask at different times and stages of life. Where do I belong? As one of our most foundational human needs, brand belonging is proving to be a game-changing strategy that businesses can leverage for improved consumer engagement.
That’s what a recent study conducted by IBM and Ipsos, called “The Business of Belonging”, has revealed. And it’s likely something you yourself have noticed or felt of late: the increasing fragmentation of people and communities. It’s what the study has coined as a “belonging deficit”, and while we might jump to conclusions about the causes, the evidence reveals that it’s even more complex than we imagined.
what’s causing this so-called belonging deficit?
1. Where are you from?
The mass migration of more and more people moving around the globe has contributed to the belonging deficit. Separation from friends, family, and the place one calls home can have a lasting effect — on individuals through to entire communities.
2. I’m right. You’re wrong. #ByeFelicia
Gone are the days of agreeing to disagree over ideological differences, as political POVs become increasingly polarized. Politics aside, what this means for people is an increase in rifts and division between groups and individuals.
3. Less money, mo problems.
The concentration of wealth in certain areas of the world and industries (e.g., Western countries, high-tech industries) means an intensified division between classes. Maybe money can’t buy happiness, but it can grant access to certain groups, geographic locations, products, and so on, that contribute to our sense of belonging.
4. In none we trust.
Trust issues. We all have them to a certain degree. But increasingly we’re growing distrustful of institutions — government, banks, religion. What this lack of trust translates to is greater numbers of us unable to identify with the institutions that are supposed to have our back. And that’s hitting our collective sense of belonging really hard.
5. Alone is the new together.
Fewer friends, fewer face-to-face interactions, decline in teen socializing, and the list goes on. Though our social lives have been technologically enhanced, the new Internet age is still only in adolescence, and for many the effects have been increased feelings of isolation. It may be that swiping right will never be able to replace a good ‘ol fashioned handshake and eye contact.
brand belonging, consumer engagement, and your business
Brand belonging is ultimately about richer, more authentic consumer engagement. But it’s not as simple as saying “You belong here”. Belonging can only come by building trust — and to do that, businesses must know their audiences inside and out.
How can your business leverage brand belonging? The first step is recognizing that your audience has a need to belong. From there, understanding how you can fill that need comes down to data, insight, creativity and a brand strategy that’s both specific and varied for your unique audience.
Contact us to learn more about how your brand can leverage belonging and other universal human needs to build your brand-audience through meaningful consumer engagement.
about us
We are one part ad agency, one part consultancy, and one part technology company. We provide 360° solutions for brands committed to turning their business around. Our lab team is made up of a healthy mix of industry veterans, entrepreneurs, innovators. We are business analysts, strategic planners, media experts, brand experts, content creators, digital strategists, interactive programmers and software developers.
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